Color Identification Technology

Our Main Product in Color Identification Technology is a device that can be used for Vehicle Color Identification

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About Us

Our Mission

SAPSU is a leading company in the field of color recognition technologies. One of the products of our company in color detection technologies is the vehicle color detection device.

The development of color recognition technology in various applications and fields such as weaving, building painting, etc. is one of the organizational goals of SAPSU company.

What Is Color Identification Technology Use For?

Vehicle Color Identification Device

Many colors that are identified by a reference code (such as car body color) undergo a change from the original color after exposure to the sun or the surrounding environment. Recognizing the new color and its constituents can help in the precise manufacture of the modified color for painting or restoration of unpainted surfaces. The portable color detector samples the target color and extracts the Red, Green, and Blue components of the color, regardless of the material of the surface or the light reflection on the surface.

This device stores different and consecutive samples based on the manufacturer’s components and reports the amount of color mismatch in the sampled locations to the user. Another ability of the color detector is to extract the absolute code of the reference color independently of the ambient light and independent of the reflectivity of the target surface. Recognizing the absolute color code and knowing the weight of the basic components in the target color, allows the user to use certain predetermined formulas to make the desired color accurately.

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